Dear all,
You are receiving this message because you contacted our office regarding traffic congestion and pedestrian safety issues at Eglinton and Allen.
Metrolinx and their consultant, along with City transportation, have reviewed the options available to deal with what is a very challenging situation. Metrolinx has indicated that their contractor is not able to free up additional road space, which means managing traffic within those confines.
Our office is committed to continuing to work with residents, City staff, and Metrolinx to manage the pain as well as possible. We must brace ourselves for continued disruption in this neighbourhood for the next several years. But Metrolinx and the City must do what we can to ease the traffic congestion where we can.
The update from Metrolinx provided to our office is copied below for your information.
Update From Metrolinx:
Construction of extraction and launch shafts along Eglinton Avenue at Allen Road has added to the congestion that already exists through this area along Eglinton. Metrolinx is committed to continue to work closely with the City of Toronto, the TTC, local elected officials, and police to monitor the situation along Eglinton at Allen Road and to make modifications to the traffic configuration as required. Metrolinx is also committed to open, honest communication with the public and the local neighbourhood regarding the construction activities along Eglinton Avenue using a variety of communication tactics.
Metrolinx has issued a contract for delivery of two tunnels from Black Creek to Yonge Street. Metrolinx’ contractor CTC submitted a permit application for roadway work in March 2013 that is valid until July 30 2014.
The full workzone set-up reduced the Eglinton and Allen Road way to one lane of traffic in each direction plus one right turn lane onto the northbound Allen Road on-ramp. It also included an adjustment to the signaling for the northbound ramp entrance.
During detailed design it was agreed between HMM and the City to allow a mixed use (vehicles and pedestrians) crossing on the northbound ramp to try and mitigate against the vehicle volume being lost due to losing one of the dedicated right turn lanes off Eglinton. Another reason for a mixed use turn was to prevent traffic heading east on Eglinton from backing up. This would quickly impact the southbound Allen ramp traffic.
Prior to January 31st, 2014 the full implementation of the traffic set-up in the vicinity of Allen Road and Eglinton was not in place as the full set-up was not yet required. Instead portions of the full work zone Stage 1 were gradually implemented in a number of phases as work zones were brought on line. The signaling design was included in the contract specification which the City had input to during design.
The signal change went into effect on January 31, 2014.
When the signal change was implemented it became apparent that the new signal configuration causes issues for pedestrians as both they and motorists are accustomed to separate signals.
Metrolinx has taken the following actions:
• booked paid duty officers to be at the intersection to keep pedestrians informed from now until Feb 16th. There should be officers there 24/7.
• alternative options include removing the pedestrian crossing or changing the signaling to make it a pedestrian only crossing
• requested a technical memo outlining further options from the engineering firm of record on the west tunnels contract to re-examine the intersection and prepare a Memo detailing a number of options to the current set-up.
Current Status
At this time, the current set up will be maintained and continue with 24/7 PDOs on duty ( until Feb 16th) to assist and educate pedestrians and/or drivers during this initial implementation.
Various on-street adjustments have and will also be addressed though additional signage, pavement scrubbing, and adjusting/repositioning of current traffic barrels and/or lanes of traffic.
Please feel free to contact our office should you have any questions. My contact information is below.
Anthony Schein
Executive Assistant
Councillor Joe Mihevc - Ward 21, St. Paul's West
City Hall Office: 416 392 0208
Community Office: 416 392 7460
Direct: 416 338 5302
Twitter: @joemihevc
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